
Each of our policies is reviewed on a regular schedule to ensure that we are compliant with current legal requirements and that we follow good practise throughout the school. The sub-committees are linked to appropriate policies and are reviewed accordingly.

All policies are available in a printed or emailed form from the school office.

These forms and letters are in PDF format. If your computer does not open them automatically,  you may need to install Adobe PDF Reader (free).

Curriculum Policies


Data Protection Officer: Education Data Hub (GDPR for Schools), Derbyshire County Council
DPO Email: dprforschools@derbyshire.gov.uk
DPO Phone: 01629 532888
DPO Address: County Hall, Smedley Street, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG

A copy of School Fund audit account statement is available on request.   Please contact the office.