Learning and Teaching

Foundation Stage

Teaching and learning in the Foundation Stage is very carefully planned. The curriculum is based upon the Foundation Stage for Learning, which all providers of Early Years Education must follow. We deliver our curriculum through a highly structured environment which incorporates the following areas of learning:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive arts and design

During the teaching sessions, the children have the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of activities. They learn with other children in small and large groups. Some activities will be independent and others will be led by staff. Teaching and learning is based on learning through play and structured individual or small group teaching. Children starting in Reception will be invited to come and visit the school on different occasions, including for lunch, prior to the beginning of their first term.

Key Stages 1 and 2

After the children have completed their Reception year, the curriculum will progressively change from the Foundation Stage for Learning to one which follows the National Curriculum for key stages 1 and 2. This change is made with great care and sensitivity towards the individual children’s readiness for this change.

The school places a high priority on developing the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in the core subjects of literacy, numeracy, science and IT. However, we also offer the children a broad and balanced curriculum which includes the arts, humanities, personal and social education, sport and religious education. These subjects are taught following a cross-curricular topic based approach which enables the children to tailor their learning to their own interests.

Personal, Social and Health Education

Staff at the school have long since regarded this area to be very important as it underpins the welcoming and friendly atmosphere, the striving for good manners, our healthy eating policy, our commitment to being an environmentally friendly school and the co-operative spirit of staff and pupils that you will find at school. PSHE is now planned using SEAL (Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning) materials. Sex education includes life beginning, changes and growing up. The resources used are available for parents to view in school. Parents will be given notice in advance of sex education lessons and have the right to withdraw their children should they so wish.

Religious Education

The teaching of RE aims to develop a sense of awe and wonder in the children as well as helping them to learn to respect and care for others and develop good moral codes of practice.  We have very strong community links to our local church as well as enjoying visits from various other religious faiths.  In lessons we follow the Derbyshire agreed syllabus ‘All Our Worlds’.  Much discussion is of a general moral nature, relating to right and wrong, the consequences of our actions, rules and guidelines and caring for others.  We teach our children to develop their own consciences and learn the ability to act accordingly in an independent and responsible manner.

Please refer to the policies page in the Governors section to view the Curriculum Map and Subject policies.

For further information please contact the School Office by email at info@grindlefordprimaryschool.co.uk

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