
The school is organised into three teaching groups.  Additional adults support small groups within the classes, enabling the school to meet the needs of individual pupils and to ensure that they achieve the highest standards.

For more information on each class, click the following links:


Class 1 – Reception, Y1 and Y2


Class 2 – Y3 and Y4


Class 3 – Y5 and Y6


All learning is planned using the statutory National Curriculum as a starting point;  this details what is expected of children in each year group to learn and understand.  Our RE is planned using the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and the PSHE/Citizenship on the ASK programme from Derbyshire.

Each class maintains their own blog – take a look at our learning, lessons and laughter:


Class1Blog Class 1’s Blog


Class2Blog Class 2’s Blog


Class3Blog Class 3’s Blog