
At Grindleford Primary School, we have the highest expectations for the behaviour of our children. We aim for all of the children to be polite, considerate and sensitive to the needs of others. Children are encouraged to develop self-discipline through a positive approach to their behaviour. The school’s behaviour policy (refer to Governing Body section for policy) is based on praise and co-operation. Inappropriate behaviour is dealt with by the class teacher or, if required, by the Headteacher. Whenever there is cause for concern about a child’s behaviour, we would always involve the parents, so that home and school can work together to solve any difficulties. We promote diversity for all and do not tolerate any form of behaviour that discriminates on the basis of race, colour, culture, faith, disability or gender. There are firm sanctions for the perpetrators of such incidents, that follow the school’s behaviour management policy. Similarly, we do not tolerate any form of behaviour that involves bullying. All reports of bullying will be dealt with in a serious and sensitive way, in line with the school’s anti-bullying policy (refer to Governing Body section for policy).

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