School Uniform Policy


It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in school-organised events outside normal school hours. 

Items which include our School Logo can be ordered directly on our personalised page on the Gogna’s School wear website Grindleford Primary School | Uniform | Gogna.  Other plain items are easily available, at very competitive prices, at local shops including supermarkets.  Grindleford Primary School logo sew on badges can be purchased from the school office.

A complete list of the items needed for school uniform, including those for P.E. and Outdoor Learning, is included in this policy.

Aims and objectives

The aims of this policy are to:

  • ensure clarity of what can be worn or not at school
  • promote a sense of pride in our school
  • help to create a sense of community and belonging towards the school
  • ensure that our pupils can be clearly identified with our school
  • support our commitment to inclusion
  • ensure pupils’ uniforms are practical, smart, affordable and are suitable, with health and safety in mind
  • ensure that pupils are dressed smartly

Our school uniform consists of the following items:

  • Sweatshirt or cardigan in royal blue
  • A polo shirt in white or royal blue
  • Trousers, skirt, pinafore dress or shorts (for the summer) in grey or black
  • Summer dress in royal blue / white gingham (for the summer)
  • A fleece (optional) in royal blue
  • Dark coloured shoes

Our PE uniform consists of the following items:

  • Tracksuit, jogging trousers or legging in black or blue
  • A fleece in blue or black or a round necked school sweatshirt
  • Round neck t-shirt in white or blue (we would prefer a school logo on the t-shirt but it is not a requirement)
  • Navy or black short (advised for Spring / Summer)
  • Trainers or plimsols in a dark colour


For health and safety reasons, we do not allow children to wear jewellery. The exception to this rule are small objects of religious significance or stud earrings.  Children are required to remove any items during PE lessons to prevent them from causing injury. Your child’s class teacher will advise you when PE lessons are to take place. Please note: Teachers are not permitted to remove earrings. 


For health and safety reasons, we do not allow pupils to wear shoes with platform soles, Heelys or high heels. All pupils are required to wear flat, plain black shoes without logos. These should be closed in with no toes visible. If boots are worn these should also be flat and plain black. Sandals and flip-flops are not permitted due to health and safety reasons.

Adaptations for Weather

In the cold weather, particularly in the winter months, children are expected to wear coats and are permitted to wear a hat/ear-muffs, scarf and gloves. Please ensure that all items are clearly named. On hot days all children will not be expected to cardigans or jumpers. Items such as polo-shirts, shorts and summer dresses are all appropriate in the hot weather.

The Role of Parents

We believe that one of the responsibilities of parents is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that it is clean, in good repair and that the child’s name is written on all items. If a parent has difficulties for any reason with fulfilling this request, they are asked to speak confidentially to the Head Teacher. Parents should be assured that we will do all we can to help. Children who arrive at school wearing non-school uniform or PE clothing will be loaned an appropriate item from school where possible. Parents will be contacted to discuss the matter and may be requested to return to school with correct clothing. The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are serious reasons, for example on religious grounds, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from our school uniform, the school will consider such requests sympathetically. If any parent would like to request a modification to the uniform policy they should, in the first instance, contact the Headteacher.

The role of staff

Staff should support the Head Teacher in maintaining high standards of uniform dress. Where pupils fail to wear the correct uniform, staff should make discreet and sympathetic enquiries.

The Role of Governors

The governing body supports the School in implementing the school’s uniform policy. It considers all representations from parents regarding the uniform policy and liaises with the Headteacher to ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity. It is the governors’ responsibility to ensure that the school uniform meets all regulations concerning equal opportunities. Governors ensure that the school uniform policy enables children to dress sensibly, in clothing that is hardwearing, safe and practical.

Special Circumstances

Special dispensation can be requested for temporary exception from the prescribed school uniform or elements of it. This will usually be on medical grounds or for other exceptional circumstances. The Headteacher will have the ultimate decision on granting or refusing this.

Persistent non-wearing of uniform

We would always make contact with families of children who persistently do not wear school uniform to try and ascertain the reason for this.  We would deal with each case on a case-by-case basis, but it remains our policy that school uniform should be worn.

Lost Property

Any unidentified items of school uniform will be taken to the school office. Pupils and families are encouraged to look here to reclaim lost property, on the understanding that the found item will be clearly named. 

Second Hand Uniform

School hold a stock of second hand uniform which is regularly displayed at the end of the school day.  Parents are asked for donations.


This policy will be reviewed by the governing body every three years or when new legislation is introduced.

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