
Maths Curriculum – A Maths Mastery Approach

At Grindleford Primary School we are following a Maths Mastery approach to learning maths.  The NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Maths) provides a useful explanation of Maths Mastery and you can follow this link for further information but they provide a useful summary of the underpinning principles:

Underpinning principles

  • Mathematics teaching for mastery assumes everyone can learn and enjoy mathematics.
  • Mathematical learning behaviours are developed such that pupils focus and engage fully as learners who reason and seek to make connections.
  • Teachers continually develop their specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, working collaboratively to refine and improve their teaching.
  • Curriculum design ensures a coherent and detailed sequence of essential content to support sustained progression over time.

(Source NCETM website)

We have been utilising a mastery approach in maths for a number of years.  Initially, as a school we used the ‘Maths No Problem’ curriculum and resources.  Whilst this has been helpful, we are now moving to the ‘White Rose Maths’ scheme of work.  This transition will have been completed by all year groups by the beginning of the school year 2023-2024.  For the 2022-2023 year:

  • EYFS – White Rose Maths
  • KS1 – White Rose Maths
  • KS2 – White Rose Maths

The EYFS and KS1 children are also using REKENREK, following additional training for our team in the benefits of a maths mastery approach for our younger learners – Mastering Number.  This has been organised and delivered by the South Yorkshire Maths Hub and is a programme aimed at providing teachers and TAs with professional development to ensure that pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 develop good number sense.  More information is available here:

What is Rekenrek?

A rekenrek is a maths counting frame. Rekenreks can help children in EYFS and KS1 build good number sense through the maths mastery approach that that uses hands-on activities to help children make meaningful connections to early years maths concepts. 

A rekenrek combines three widely-used maths teaching models to help young children develop mathematical reasoning. These are counters, number lines, and base 10 teaching resources. Each row of beads is strategically split into five red and five white beads. This repeating pattern helps children learn to see numbers as groups of five or 10.  You can find out more about Rekenreks on this blog:

If you want to find out more about the White Rose Maths approach to teaching and learning for maths, please visit their website (link below)

Our maths curriculum is detailed further on a half termly basis on the whole school curriculum map – which details the units in order for both WRM.