SEN Information Report for Grindleford Primary School – in accordance with section 65(3) of the Children and Families Act 2014

Approved by Governors 18/1/23 to be Reviewed Spring 3 2024

 1. What kind of special educational needs provision is accessible for children at Grindleford primary School?

Grindleford Primary is a fully inclusive mainstream school which ensures that all children achieve their full potential; personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational need. Meeting the needs of all pupils including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN) is central to the aims and values of our school. All staff, parents/carers, children, Governors and outside agencies work together to ensure that all children have access to the highest quality teaching and learning.

2. How do we identify children who may have an SEN need? 

  • A Close relationship with local preschool providers helps us in the early identification of any child who is transferring to our setting that has additional needs of any kind. The SENCO will liaise with both parents and the previous providers and attend any relevant meetings prior to that child starting school, to ensure that the school has a clear understanding of the child’s needs and to ensure a smooth transition is made.
  • All children entering the school in the reception year are assessed to form a baseline of attainment. If necessary a further assessment of their communication needs or physical needs will be carried out in liaison with outside agencies e.g. speech and language therapy.
  • If a parent has a concern about their child either when they start school or as they are progressing through the school then we listen carefully to their views and monitor the child carefully, before deciding how to proceed forward.
  • Teachers make careful observations of the children in their class and can raise any concerns with the SENCO/parents.
  • Pupil progress meetings/discussions are held every Derbyshire Education Authority term where we track all children and their progress and identify those who are not making expected progress. Interventions/support programmes are then implemented and monitored to ensure that the child makes accelerated progress.

 3. What provision is made for children with SEN whether or not they have an Education Health Care Plan (ECH)

How is the intervention/support monitored as to its effectiveness?

Those children identified as benefiting from intervention/support are monitored against the progress they are making; this is normally at the termly pupil progress meetings attended by the assessment co-ordinator and class teacher. The information is then fed on to the SENCO/Head teacher. A meeting is then set up with parents to discuss the assessments that have been carried out and to work out a plan of what we would like to achieve before the next assessment point, how we achieve this, when the work will take place and by whom. We also encourage and record how parents can help and support at home. The SENCO/Head teacher reports to the Governors about the children who require SEN support.

What are the school’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing progress of children with SEN?

Where a child is deemed to need additional support in order to close the attainment gap a suitable intervention is chosen. A judgement is made as to the effectiveness of the intervention at the pupil progress meeting with class teacher, the assessment co-ordinator and the SENCO. A decision will be made, together with the parents, as to whether to try an alternative approach, continue with the current programme or if the child has made sufficient progress that a support plan is no longer necessary.

What is the school’s approach to teaching children will SEN?

We are a fully inclusive school and strive to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential. All lessons are differentiated to meet the needs of all children in the class. Children may work in small ability groups or when necessary in a 1:1 situation. Interventions are carefully chosen and matched to the children’s needs and the effectiveness of these is monitored.

How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children with SEN?

The curriculum and teaching sequences are adapted to meet the needs of the individual child and their different learning styles. The school takes all reasonable steps to modify/adapt the learning environment to meet the individual needs of the children e.g. displaying visual timetables.

What additional support for learning is available to pupils with SEN?

The school provides various interventions/support that meet the individual needs of the children. This is detailed in the school provision map. Children who may require higher levels of support have access to appropriately trained support staff and individual plans. The school works closely with staff from SSSEN, Speech and Language Therapy service, Occupational Therapy service, CAHMs, Autism Outreach, Educational Psychology, School Nurse and Doctor and also Family Support Workers. Parents also have support from Derbyshire Information Advice & Support Service for SEND.

How will my child be included in activities outside the school classroom including school trips?

All children regardless of needs are included in all school trips. Parents are informed about the nature of the trip and invited to participate in them with their child if they are worried. All trips are assessed for accessibility and to ensure that all children can participate in the as fully as possible. This includes our regular Forest School trips as well as topic enhancing trips and residential trips.

What support is there for my child’s overall well-being?

The emotional and social development of all children is very important to us at Grindleford Primary School. The children regularly take part in mixed age-group activities and enjoy being part of mixed-age group classes. We have recently introduced a weekly buddy reading session where children are mixed across the whole school, regardless of additional need or reading ability. All the pupils are encouraged to help each other and the older children, regardless of need, are encouraged to regularly plan games and activities at lunchtimes under their Playground Leader role. Any child can put themselves forward to join the School Council, the ECO Committee or produce and present an assembly.

When it is thought that a child needs additional support with their social and/or emotional development then we are able to offer social skills groups or 1:1 work following expert advice e.g. Educational Psychology programmes.

All the school staff are trained in administrating specialist medication such as EpiPens or asthma inhalers. If a child requires short-term medication from a prescription then arrangements can be made through the school office for the medicines to be administered in school to ensure that children are able to attend school. The school also has strong links to the Children’s Centre in Bakewell and to our patch Family Support Worker, who will meet with parents who have concerns about their child’s emotional, social or behavioural needs either in school, at the Children’s Centre or at home. They will either work with families directly or together alongside the school to try to resolve these issues.

4. Who can I contact about Special Educational Needs at Grindleford Primary School?

The Special Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Gemmell (the Head teacher), but you can also talk to any member of staff or one of the Learning Support Assistants who will try to help and point you in the right direction.

You can contact Mrs Gemmell via 01433 630528, popping in after school, ringing up to make an appointment or emailing


5. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school? 

When a child with additional needs starts at the school we endeavour to ensure that all staff have up to date training for the specific needs of the child, for example dealing with epilepsy, specific communication skills eg visual timetables, Deaf awareness or physical handling skills.   All staff have had up to date Safeguarding training and know exactly what to do if they have any concerns about the welfare of a child.

The school also works closely with our school nurse at Bakewell Children’s Centre, our Family Support Worker, our Specialist Support for Special Educational Needs (SSSEN) worker, our Speech and Language Therapist, CAHMs, Autism Outreach, and as access to Support Service for Physical Impairment, the Hearing Impairment Service and Behaviour Support.

6. How accessible is the school both inside and outside?

The school is accessible through the front door and into Class 1, where the disabled toilet is also located. To allow access for full inclusion we would need to adapt a small step area into Class 2 via a lift and the stone steps into the bottom playground. The top playground is accessible from Class 1.  The Accessibility Plan is available on request.

 7. How are parents involved in the school?

Parents are actively encouraged to be partners in their children’s education through; informal discussions with their class teacher or any member of staff, telephone contact, email contact, home/school diaries, SEN support meetings, progress reviews, termly targets, twice yearly parent consultations and yearly written reports. Parents are very welcome to come in to school at any time and volunteer within classes to their strengths or attend after-school clubs, such as the running club. Parents of children receiving specialist support are given opportunities to meet with the support staff whenever they wish to but especially at the scheduled review meetings which are held termly.

 8.What are the arrangements for consulting children with SEN about, and involving them in, their education?

All children, regardless of SEN, are aware of their next steps to their learning. Children have targets that are shared, discussed and worked through with members of staff providing the additional support. The children who do have special educational needs are invited to give their feelings about their progress in the review meetings which are held throughout the school year.

 9. What are the arrangements for parents of children with SEN who may wish to complain about the provision?

Parents who wish to complain are strongly encouraged to initially speak to the Head teacher regarding their complaint. If the issue cannot be resolved at this level or the complaint is regarding the SENCO or Headteacher (who are the same person) then the parent would be directed to the Chair of Governors and the school’s Complaints policy and procedure. Parents can also obtain support and advice from Derbyshire Information Advice & Support Service for SEND.

 10. How does the school/governing body involve health, social services, LA support Services, and others in meeting the needs of children with SEN and supporting their families?

In order to meet the individual needs of a child the school will work with and seek advice from an educational psychologist, advisory teacher, speech and language therapist or health colleague to support the child’s academic and social progress. The school and Governing Body will use its knowledge of The Local Offer in order to find the best possible support for a child.

Derbyshire Local Offer is available on the Derbyshire Special Educational Needs Information site.  Both links will take you straight there.

11.What are the contact details of support services for the parents of children with SEN, including those for arrangements made in clause 32.

Speech and Language Service – Newholme Hospital, Bakewell: 01629 812525

Hearing Impairment Service  – County Support Service:  01332 832687

SSSEN – Area Education Office, Buxton: 01629 533535

School Nurse – Chapel Health Centre: 01298 812552

Family Resource Worker – Multi Agency Team, Bakewell: 01629 533813

Support Service for Physical Impairment – County Support Service:  01332 834782

CAHMs – Buxton Medical Centre: 01298 79251

12. What are the school’s arrangements for supporting children with SEN in transferring between phases of education?

  • Consultation with parents/carers discussion how we can best meet the emotional needs of the child
  • Consultation with the teaching staff, support staff and other lead professionals as to how we can best support the academic, medical and social needs of the child
  • Consultation with the next placement of education, liaison and familiarisation of personnel
  • A transition timetable to be drawn up and shared between parents/carers and child to include: Opportunities for the parents/carers to meet with the staff at the school that the child is moving to, opportunities for the child and parents/carers to have several supported visits to the new placement and a transition booklet to be created if required to be referred to and used during the summer break.

13. Where is the Local Authorities Local Offer published?

Derbyshire Local Offer is available on the Derbyshire Special Educational Needs Information site.  Both links will take you straight there.

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